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Bariatric Surgery Blog

What are Types of Weight Loss Surgery

May 16, 2017

Sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, and adjustable gastric banding (LapBand®) are the most common types of weight loss surgery. Our bariatric surgeons at Central Carolina Surgery perform all three. One of the unique aspects of our program is that each patient’s surgery is performed by two bariatric surgeons.

These procedures are done laparoscopically. This involves making small incisions in the abdomen and performing the procedure using a video camera (laparoscope) and long instruments that are placed through these small incisions. Utilizing these minimally invasive techniques allows you to have less pain after surgery, less risk of complications after surgery, and a faster recovery.

During a sleeve gastrectomy, about two-thirds of the stomach is removed using a stapling device leaving a narrow gastric “tube” or “sleeve”. No intestines are removed or bypassed during the sleeve gastrectomy. It takes one to two hours to complete. Patients are generally in the hospital two nights, occasionally one night. Most patients are able to lose 50 to 60% of their excess weight.

During a roux-en-y gastric bypass, a small stomach pouch is created using a surgical stapler. The pouch is surgically attached to the middle of the small intestine bypassing most of the stomach and the upper portion of the small intestine. It takes several hours to perform. Patients are generally in the hospital two nights. Most patients are able to lose 60-70% of their excess weight. Gastric bypass has an excellent track record in helping patients achieve and maintain weight loss.

Gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy induce weight loss by each causing both physical and chemical changes to your body.

During an adjustable gastric band procedure, a soft and adjustable silicone band is then placed around the top portion of the stomach, leaving a small pouch available for food. By creating a small pouch, most patients will feel full after eating only small amounts of food. This will help you lose weight.

The size of the stomach opening can be adjusted by filling the band with sterile saline, which is injected through a port placed under the skin. Reducing the size of the opening is done gradually over time with repeated adjustments or “fills.” As the name suggests, the procedure can be adjusted or reversed. It takes about an hour to perform and most patients can go home the same day. Most patients are able to lose about 40% of their excess weight.

Schedule your seminar to learn more about the types of weight loss surgery options at Central Carolina Surgery.